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Cat. No. Product Name CAS No. Description Details
HD00426 Duocarmycin A 118292-34-5 An antitumor antibiotic
HD00239 PDM-3 72902-38-6 Produced by incubation of the corresponding methylated compound with Bacillus megaterium.
HD00143 Doxorubicin 23214-92-8 Anti-tumor antibiotic, inhibiting synthesis of RNA and DNA
HD00093 MMAE 474645-27-7 Microtubule inhibitor
HD00089 DM1-SMCC 1228105-51-8 Payload linker conjugate
HD00084 Dov-Val-Dil-OH·TFA 133120-89-5 Intermediate for Quinstatin
HD00043 N-Acetyl-Calicheamicin 108212-76-6 DNA synthesis inhibitor
HD00055 N-methyl-N-[(3-methyldithio)-1-oxopropyl]-L-alanine 138148-62-6 Microtubule inhibitor
HD00056 DXD 1599440-33-1 DNA topoisomerase I Inhibitor
HD00058 Dynemicin 124759-75-7 DNA strand cleavage
HD00007 Sibiromycin 12684-33-2 A naturally produced glycosylated pyrrolobenzodiazepines
HD00044 Auristatin F 163768-50-1 Microtubule inhibitor
HD00039 MMAF 745017-94-1 Tubulin polymerase inhibitor
HD00141 Exatecan 171335-80-1 DNA topoisomerase I inhibitor
HD00038 DM4 796073-69-3 Tubulin depolymerization
HD00037 DM1 139504-50-0 Tubulin depolymerization
HD00034 Ansamitocin P-0 57103-68-1 Microtubule inhibitor
HD00033 Ansamitocin P-3 66584-72-3 Microtubule inhibitor
HD00031 Exatecan Mesylate 169869-90-3 DNA TOPO I inhibitor
HD00015 Calicheamicin γ1 108212-75-5 DNA cleavage

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