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Cat. No. Product Name CAS No. Description Details
HD00225 Gramicidin S 113-73-5 An antibiotic that is effective against some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as well as some fungi.
HD00223 Gentamicin B 36889-15-3 Antibiotic, antibacterial
HD00222 Nosiheptide 56377-79-8 Thiopeptide antibiotic produced by Streptomyces actuosus, inhibits bacterial protein
HD00221 Laidlomycin 56283-74-0 Have inhibitory activity against various Mycoplasma species
HD00395 Vancomycin 1404-90-6 An antibiotic used to treat a number of bacterial infections
HD00062 Puromycin aminonucleoside 58-60-6 Dipeptidyl peptidase II and cytosol alanyl aminopeptidase inhibitor
HD00115 Pseudouridimycin 1566586-52-4 RNA polymerase inhibitor
HD00117 Kirromycin 50935-71-2 Protein biosynthesis inhibitor
HD00119 Balhimycin 140932-79-2 Antibiotic, antibacterial
HD00100 Subtilosin A 98914-01-3 Bacterial proteinase
HD00099 Oleandomycin 3922-90-5 Macrolide antibiotic
HD00096 Nigericin 28380-24-7 NLRP3 activator, antibiotic
HD00067 Tyrocidine 8011-61-8 An antibacterial agent, a metabolite and a bacterial metabolite.
HD00095 Tunicamycin 11089-65-9 ER Stress Inducer.
HD00024 Ramoplanin 76168-82-6 Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibitor
HD00052 Oritavancin Diphosphate 192564-14-0 Semisynthetic glycopeptide antibiotic.
HD00029 Fidaxomicin 873857-62-6 RNA polymerase inhibitor.

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