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Location:Home > Products > Antivirus > Plitidepsin

CAS: 137219-37-5

All products are only used for scientific research, instead of human or animal experiments.

Cat. No.:HD00053


Mol. Weight:1110.34


Long Term Storage:Store in a tight container at -20°C.

Description:A Repurposed Drug for the Treatment of COVID-19;Antitumor

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1mg $798.00 In stock - 1 +
10mg $1580.00 In stock - 1 +
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Biological Activity
Plitidepsin is a cyclic depsipeptide isolated from the marine tunicate Aplidium albicans. Plitidepsin displays a broad spectrum of antitumor activities, inducing apoptosis by triggering mitochondrial cytochrome c release, initiating the Fas/DC95, JNK pathway and activating caspase 3 activation. This agent also inhibits elongation factor 1-a, thereby interfering with protein synthesis, and induces G1 arrest and G2 blockade, thereby inhibiting tumor cell growth.Plitidepsin, an inhibitor of SARS-Cov-2 in vitro, is safe and positively influences the outcome of patients hospitalized with COVID-19.
Product Data

[1] Pardanani A, Tefferi A, Guglielmelli P, Bogani C, Bartalucci N, Rodríguez J, Extremera S, Pérez I, Alfaro V, Vannucchi AM. Evaluation of plitidepsin in patients with primary myelofibrosis and post polycythemia vera/essential thrombocythemia myelofibrosis: results of preclinical studies and a phase II clinical trial. Blood Cancer J. 2015 Mar 13;5:e286.

[2] Lollo G, Hervella P, Calvo P, Avilés P, Guillén MJ, Garcia-Fuentes M, Alonso MJ, Torres D. Enhanced in vivo therapeutic efficacy of plitidepsin-loaded nanocapsules decorated with a new poly-aminoacid-PEG derivative. Int J Pharm. 2015 Apr 10;483(1-2):212-9.

[3] Plitidepsin has a positive therapeutic index in adult patients with COVID-19 requiring hospitalization. José F. Varona,et al. doi:

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